Make more money in Stocks

I think the best way people can plan and make more money in stocks is to understand money and numbers better. A large part of trading stocks comes down to how well do you manage you money. After that, the only way to make more money is to work longer hours, but who in their right mind wants to do that right? The best and easiest way to make more money is to spend less money while you are learning the art of trading stocks

You do take on some risk with stocks, as all stocks go up and down. With your new found money management skills you will be in control enough to limit your risk. I only advise taking on trades with a 3 to 1 risk to reward ratio. With stocks you can get a 10% to 15% return on your investment without even thinking. If you want to get higher returns you will have to work for it. There are lots of people including myself that are getting 30% or more for the last 10 years. As with stocks, profits and losses are realized daily, so you can loose a lot quick and make a lot even faster with better money management rules in place.

The one thing to remember is that it's not very hard to get started. digg Magnolia reddit Squidoo Technorati Yahoo My Web AskJeeves Google Windows Live Favorites


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